Wacomaya – Savej & Liquid Bloom

Wacomaya’ is a Savej X Liquid Bloom X Yawanawá (Ronnã Yawa) collaboration and we are honored to get this reinterpretation of a timeless medicine song out into the world.

100% of proceeds from this track will be donated to the non-profit (Futuro Nativo) to support the solar project aimed at acquiring solar panels for Ronnã’s village in the Brazilian Amazon.

“Wacomaya is a traditional Yawanawa medicine song originating in the Brazilian Amazon. The Yawanawa music carries a signature vibration of sacred celebration through prayer and movement. After recording these vocals and being entrusted to create Ancient Future electronic-infused renditions of their medicine songs, I teamed up with my good friend Liquid Bloom for this single. In the Yawanawa villages, these songs are sung around a fire with energy that rotates from a slow prayer to high-energy fire dance vibes. Their music is sure to get people moving while also feeling connected to nature on new levels.” – Savej


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